4 ways which
can bring smile on the faces
of rural communities
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Various Causes

4 out of 10 Pakistani Live in Multi Dimensional Poverty,Poverty in rural areas is 54.6 percent as compared to urban areas. Disparities also exist across provinces.

Essential Services
Rural communities face immense challenges in terms of accessing social services. 55 % of the rural population does not have access to essential social services.

Protection and Resilience
More than 60 % of the population including Women & children (out-of-school/working), disabled & potentially the elderly, are the vulnerable to disasters & protection.

Disparities and Awareness
Pakistan ranked 2-last on gender equality index, more than 80% of the rural women are non-literate and lack the necessary information and education.
About Rural Aid Pakistan
Rural Aid Pakistan is a not for profit and non-government humanitarian organization registered with Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan -SECP under section 42 of the Companies Act 2017 and certified by Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy – PCP. Rural Aid is working at grass root level in rural areas of Pakistan to fight against poverty and empowering the marginalized and vulnerable rural communities for sustainable development. Rural Aid works to alleviate poverty and inequalities in the society by applying inclusive and holistic transformational development approach. Rural Aid Pakistan is working through a tri-dimensional model and has brought integration to tackle the root cause of poverty and its allied ailments. This model connects the essential dots and bridges the sector-wide gaps to achieve holistic development and empowerment of the rural communities.
Change goals
Rural Aid Pakistan strategy shall focus its resources on four Changes Goals

Goal#1 Economic Empowerment
We economically empowering and promoting sustainable livelihood of the marginalized and vulnerable rural communities by creating diversified and profitable enterprises, enhancing technical and employable skills, creating decent work opportunities, providing climate smart agriculture solutions, improving on-farm and of farm capacity and productivity and enhancing access to finance and financial services.

Goal#3 Protection and Resilience
We are building the resilience of the communities who are vulnerable to disasters and emergencies. We lead the affected communities in all cycles of emergency, reducing the risks, climate adaptations, managing and protecting the natural resources, building robust infrastructures and protections measures.

Goal#2 Access to Essential Services
We create and enhance vulnerable rural communities’ access to basic social services, promoting quality health and education, integrating the technology, developing literacy & life skills of the marginalized women, enhancing communities’ access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene, linking remote communities with existing facilities and protection nets.

Goal#4 Enhance Capacities and Awareness
Promoting gender equality and social justice, enhancing knowledge and awareness on civic and fundamental rights. We engage and encouraging the active participation of the communities to foster local ownership for change and sustainability. Empowering communities to realize their potentials abilities and skills to building their knowledge and enabling them to decide their own development priorities.
Our Involvements

Climate Actions
Rural Aid Pakistan is working on climate change, disaster risk reduction and food security by applying inclusive and holistic transformational development approach to reduce the severity of human induced climate change & its impacts and contribute to achieve

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
Rural Aid’s supporting partner rural communities in order to improve their quality of life and productivity, ensure water-stricken communities have adequate & sustainable access to clean water, improve knowledge, capability and skill for adoption of

Education, Literacy and Health
Rural Aid’s programs are in line with 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, contributing to the strategic theme-2 “Increase equitable access to quality social services, including health, education, WASH” and strategic objective “

Sustainable Livelihood & Community Development
Rural Aid’s programs are in line with 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, contributing to the strategic theme-1 “Encourage inclusive rural growth leading to economic development and enhancement of employment

Share a gift of Goat
Donate $65 to give a GIFT of a Goat to change the life of the marginalized women living in the rural areas of Pakistan. A goat gives a family nourishing milk to drink. It's also a vital source of income
Best Moment In Our Life


Nomination of Rural Aid Ambassador
Rural Aid nominated Mr. Safdar Hamayion Qureshi as Rural Aid Ambassador in the United States of America. The Ambassador of Rural Aid will encompass the vital task of representing Rural Aid, its vision and ongoing initiatives to a broader audience. This mandate entails cultivating partnerships, enhancing awareness and mobilizing support for our active programs designed to foster sustainable progress within underprivileged rural communities across Pakistan. The Rural Aid Ambassador will initiate and nurture partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including individuals, corporations, NGOs, and governmental bodies, to enhance support for Rural Aid’s programs and assist in fundraising efforts by participating in events, campaigns, and initiatives aimed at generating financial support for the marginalized partner communities

Building Climate Friendly & Resilient Communities: Launched Go Green Campaign

Ensured Sustainable Access of Water Stricken Communities to Clean Water
Rural Aid ensured easy and sustainable access of water-stricken communities to safe & clean water and promoted safer WASH practices in South Punjab and AJK by installation of 41 Deep Wells and 967 Shallow Hand Pumps according to SPHERE standards, formation & strengthening of 150 community level WASH committees and promotion of safer WASH practices. Through WASH interventions in 03 selected districts, 72,866 vulnerable community members including women, men, children, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and transgenders benefited. After the installment of water facilities and community mobilization, sensitization and training; 83% households adopted safer health and WASH practices,water borne diseases decreased and promoted healthy lives and livelihood of people by cultivation of kitchen gardening, fruit trees and domestic level livestock farming. Well oriented and trained 150 community level WASH committees are playing a vital role for monitoring & supervision, Operation & Maintenance of water facilities and sustainability.

Inclusion of PWDs, Transgenders and Religious Minorities
Rural Aid is working and promoting the inclusion of socially excluded groups including women and girls, persons with disabilities, transgenders, young & aged people and religious minorities in our all programs to build resilient communities. Rural Aid included 200510 women and girls, 5659 persons with disabilities (PWDs), 1560 transgenders, 27644 young and aged people in 2023 and linked with existing programs and facilities by the government
Moving with

Volunteer with Us
You don't have to give money to donate to Rural Aid. Why not volunteer? Volunteering is a great way to be a part of Rural Aid’s work. If you have time to give and the commitment to end rural poverty, disparities and injustice we are keen to welcome you among our team. Get in touch with us.

Sponsor a Girl
Girls in Pakistan are often victims of violence, abuse, denied from education, own choices and are always vulnerable during disasters. By sponsoring a girl today, you'll protect a young girl like from child marriage and give her the chance to get education and happy future.

Make a Donation
Poverty in Pakistan prevails everywhere and creates many hurdles in the lives of the women and children. Your donation can bring hope to families facing hunger, poverty, and injustice today. By making a donation, you’ll help provide long-term change in the lives of rural communities.
Rural Aid achieved

“Everest Climate Action Award”
Rural Aid Pakistan has achieved the “Everest Climate Action Award 2023” in recognition of its outstanding contributions and dedication towards combating climate change, reducing disaster risk and promoting climate smart sustainable agriculture practices. The Everest Climate Action Award is a global initiative aimed at acknowledging and celebrating individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, innovation, and commitment to environmental sustainability. The Award was presented to the CEO of Rural Aid Pakistan Mr. Mirza Moqeem Baig by the Vice President of Nepal Hon. Ram Sahaya Prasad Yadav on 20 June 2023 in Kathmandu Nepal at the South Asian Climate Action Conference (SACAC).The SACAC panel of judges selected Rural Aid in acknowledgment of the significance and transformative impact of its work, and the potential it holds for a more sustainable future. They also highlighted Rural Aid’s efforts to inspire others to actively engage in climate action. Rural Aid Pakistan efforts as an ambassador will undoubtedly play a crucial role in mobilizing communities and fostering greater environmental consciousness in South Asian region.
reports & Publications

Stories of Change
October , 2023

Clean Water and Safer WASH Practices
September, 2023

Access to Safe Drinking Water in AJK
July , 2023

Annual Report 2022
June, 2022

Annual Report 2021
June , 2021

PCR ILMPOSSIBLE Take a Child to School
May , 2021

Annual Report 2019
June, 2020

COVID-19 Response
June, 2020

Annual Report 2018
June, 2018

Annual Report 2017
June , 2017

Our Partners