Education, Literacy and Health

Rural Aid’s programs are in line with 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, contributing to the strategic theme-2 “Increase equitable access to quality social services, including health, education, WASH” and strategic objective “Increased access to quality education and health services for marginalized segments” and SDG 3 Good health and well-being, SDG 4 quality education and SDG 5 gender equality.

  1. Education Program

Rural Aid is promoting girl’s education, joyful learning, support retention and high enrollments and a happy, healthy & secure childhood through community-based initiatives. Rural Aid is implementing the following education, programs:

A). Community model schools: Rural Aid is providing quality primary education in rural areas through community model schools, teacher training and promoting girl’s education, child friendly environment and joyful learning to school going children in rural areas. Rural Aid also implementing dosti sport program for the retention and mental, physical and social growth.

B). Enrollment of out of school children: Rural Aid is working for the enrollment out of school children by engaging community based trained youth volunteers, community activists and school management.

C). Education First: School Renovation: The education first project providing the missing facilities and rehabilitate schools, enhance the capacity and quality of education in target schools through

rehabilitation and provision of facilities including construction of classrooms, wash rooms/toilets, clean water and safe sanitation facilities, computer and science labs, furniture for students and teachers, earth filling and playground leveling, etc. The education first project helps to improve quality education, child friendly environment, increase enrollment of out of school children and their retention.

  1. Literacy and Skill Development Program

 Rural Aid is empowering women and girls for sustainable development through community mobilization, forming women’s support groups, promoting gender equality and women participation in decision-making and local development at all levels, and educating non-literate women and girls (14-40 years) by provision of functional, livelihood & financial literacy, enterprise development and low-cost income generation skills to empower rural women and girls.

  1. Health Program

Rural Aid’s Health program focuses on improving maternal and child health indicators in the forgotten

communities of Pakistan. Rural Aid accomplished this by improving the nutritional status of children & childbearing women, ensuring community involvement in the promotion of health, awareness raising programs, providing health screenings and diagnostic services through community health centers and mobile health camps. The primary objectives of our health program are:

  • To reduce Maternal and Child mortalities and morbidities through medical support and referral services.
  • Increase access of remote rural communities to existing health services and adopted safer health practices in terms of nutrition, vaccinations and basic health as a result of increased knowledge of reproductive, maternal and infant health through integrated health literacy.
  • Rural communities linked with existing health facilities through a smart phone referral and advice system leading to a greater number of women accessing pre and postnatal care and increased medical referrals where appropriate, resulting in a reduction in maternal and infant deaths.
  • Self-supporting women’s health committees and Men’s support groups (MSGs) at community level will share knowledge and learning with their local community through a series of sensitization events leading to improved awareness and access to community midwife service and reduced maternal and infant deaths.

Community Health Centers are established in remote rural areas to provide basic health & mother & child health services to the rural population, these services include reproductive health, pre & postn壯陽藥
atal services, referral services, counselling, primary health, malaria treatment, nutritional support and immunization. Rural Aid uses high end technologies and smartphones to improve maternal health indicators in remotest rural areas. Rural Aid Pakistan is also building the capacities of health professionals and community midwives in remote rural part of Pakistan.

5.1 Integrated Health Literacy: The integrated health literacy sessions were designed and delivered to

encourage rural communities to adopt appropriate behaviors & safer health practices.